When you purchase a home with a septic system, you must keep the wastewater treatment system functioning properly. If your septic tank is not maintained, it can contaminate the environment.
Bacteria in the septic tank create gases that decompose wastewater contaminants. The liquid then seeps through a network of perforated pipes into the drain field or absorption area. Contact Septic Tank Armadale now!

A septic tank is an underground watertight container made from concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene that holds wastewater and waste from your house. It’s one of the most basic types of onsite sewage systems and is mostly used in rural areas where it’s impossible to connect to a municipal sewer system.
When wastewater enters your septic tank, it goes through a process called settling. Solids sink to the bottom of the tank, forming a layer of sludge, while oils and fats float to the top, forming a layer of scum. Bacteria in the tank breaks down these solids, releasing a clear liquid known as effluent.
As the septic tank fills, an overflow pipe carries away sludge and scum into a drain field or leach field. The drain field is a shallow area of uncovered soil close to the house that filters untreated wastewater through rocks, dirt and sand. It’s important to keep the drain field in good condition so that it can do its job and prevent sewage from seeping into groundwater or surface water.
The drain field also serves as a natural septic system to remove excess phosphorous and nitrogen from the environment. This is accomplished by the anaerobic biological degradation of organic wastes, which releases phosphates into soluble form so that they can be absorbed by plants and excreted in a usable form.
It’s important to know that you should never flush anything other than toilet paper, human waste, and some household cleaners into your septic tank. Flushing non-biodegradable materials like cigarette butts, cotton balls and swabs, condoms, paint, dental floss and hair can cause clogs that block drainage and allow sewage to back up into your home.
A septic tank typically requires a pumpout every 3 to 5 years. When the pumpout is done, a trained technician will empty the tank to reduce the amount of sludge and scum that could flow out into the drain field and cause an overflow. When the septic tank is pumped out, it takes about two truckloads of raw wastewater to empty it completely.
As anyone who has lived in the country knows, a septic system can be a major benefit to those who dream of living on a rural homestead. However, it is important to remember that septic systems require regular maintenance to operate properly.
A septic tank is a buried, water-tight container made from concrete, fiberglass or polyethylene. Sewage flows to the septic tank from all household plumbing connections. The sewage is partially treated by the bacteria in the tank and exits the tank through a drainfield into the soil.
If the septic tank is not regularly inspected and pumped, solid waste can build up, clogging the drainfield. This exposes people and pets to the disease-causing organisms in sewage, which can also contaminate groundwater and surface waters. Regular septic tank pumping prevents these problems by ensuring that the septic tank has enough room to handle all of the sewage from household use.
In addition to getting your septic tank pumped, there are other things you can do to maintain your septic system. For example, only put wastes and materials that are septic-safe into the septic system. This includes paper towels, toilet paper and sanitary products, which should always be biodegradable. Also, limit the amount of water you use to flush your toilets.
A properly sized and maintained septic system should provide many years of service with few problems. However, if the system is overloaded or improperly used, problems can arise that will reduce its life expectancy. To prevent this, have the high-level alarm in the septic tank checked and serviced as necessary.
It is a good idea to plant grass and other shallow-rooted plants over the area of the drainfield. It is also best to avoid parking on or near the drainfield, as it compacts the soil and blocks effluent flow. It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for signs that the septic tank is overflowing, as this could be a sign of a leak or clog.
Learning the early warning signs of septic tank problems can save you money, health risks and environmental damage down the road. Recognizing these signals and scheduling routine inspections and septic tank pumping service will ensure that your septic system stays in great working condition for years to come.
A well-functioning septic system is essential to the safety of your family, home and environment. Having routine inspections, cleaning and pumping can help it perform its function effectively, extending its lifespan and preventing expensive repairs and contamination.
Whether your property is connected to the municipal sewer system or has its own septic tank, your waste disposal system must be kept in good working order to protect against serious problems. These include sewage backups and foul odors.
Your septic tank is a large storage container that holds a mix of liquid and solid waste. At the bottom of the tank, a healthy population of anaerobic bacteria digests and eliminates organic waste. A baffle in the tank prevents sludge and scum from exiting into the drain field and clogging the septic system, which can also lead to sewage backups.
Pumping the septic tank on a regular basis helps keep the liquid waste flowing properly through the septic system. Your septic professional can tell you how often to have your septic tank pumped depending on the size of your septic tank and how many people live in your home, as well as how much water is used. Other factors that can impact how frequently your septic tank needs to be pumped include the use of a garbage disposal, the type and amount of soap used and how many times a toilet is flushed.
It is also important to avoid excessive water usage, which can overload the septic system and cause wastewater to back up into your home. Also, it is important to avoid flushing non-biodegradable items down the toilet, such as baby wipes and sanitary products. These can clog your toilet and lead to septic tank problems.
If your septic system experiences any problems, prompt septic tank repair can prevent further damage and reduce the cost of replacement. A septic tank that is repaired or replaced early will have a longer lifespan, which will save you money in the long run.
Keeping your septic system in good condition can also increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are wary of septic tanks that require major repairs and cleanup, so a well-maintained tank can be a selling point. It is also helpful to map out the location of your septic system and mark its components with stakes, especially when landscaping or doing heavy construction on your property. This will ensure that you do not damage or cover the septic tank or drain field and will make it easier to access for inspection, pumping and repair work.
When a septic tank cracks, it needs immediate replacement to prevent sewage from leaching into the ground and poisoning anyone who comes in contact with it. A professional can perform a thorough inspection and identify any major issues that should be addressed immediately. This will reduce the risk of environmental contamination and save you from the costly repairs that can result from a failed system.
The septic tank collects wastewater and allows it to undergo a process called “settling.” Solid matter sinks to the bottom of the tank, where bacteria break it down into sludge. Lighter waste, such as fats and oils, rises to the top of the water’s surface, where it forms a layer of scum. The septic tank also contains baffles that help to slow the flow of liquid waste. The distribution box evenly distributes the incoming wastewater to pipes in the drain field. If the septic tank is not properly maintained, it can clog or overflow and flood the drain field, causing sewage to pond at the ground surface or create backups in toilets.
A septic tank can last for decades, but the need to replace it will eventually occur due to damage or aging. Keeping up with routine maintenance and prompt repair work will extend its life. If you notice that your drains are taking longer than usual to drain or there is a foul smell in the house, it is time to call a septic service company for a checkup.
Besides maintaining the tank, homeowners should be careful with what they put down the drains. Non-biodegradable materials like cigarette butts, cotton buds/swabs and menstrual hygiene products can clog the tank and cause it to overflow. Also, do not plant trees or drive on the drainfield to avoid compacting the soil and preventing proper wastewater percolation.
Homeowners who live in rural areas often choose to install a septic system rather than relying on city sewer systems, which can be expensive and time-consuming. Septic tanks offer a more environmentally friendly alternative and provide a cost-effective way to treat wastewater in areas without municipal infrastructure.